धर्म एव हतो हन्ति धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः | – मनुस्मृति
dharma eva hato hanti dharmo rakShati rakShitaH
- Manu Smruti
Dharma only destroys (those) that destroy it.
Dharma also protects those that protect it.
Become a Yajaman, Stop the Hindu Holocaust

What does it mean to become a Yajaman

When you give to the Universe the Universe showers. It is the cosmic law of relationshiops. Here the Cosmos, in the form of His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam has physically manifested and has provided empirical evidence of this cosmic play, showering blessings of every nature on the Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, who take that big step forward to contribute to the Revival of the Enlightenment Ecosystem.

Becoming a Yajaman is Transformational
Physical & Mental Healing | Spiritual Advancement | Wealth Completion
Experience Oneness | Witness Miracles | Relationship Completions
Most important, when you contribute to Become A Yajaman, you not only contribute to the Revival of the Enlightened Ecosystem, but in that you are contributing towards the movement and activism needed to Stop The Hindu Holocaust The danger is imminent, there is an urgency, we need all the hands we can get together, we need to Act Now.
Stop the Hindu Holocaust, Contribute to Reviving the Enlightened Ecosystem.