Initiatives Undertaken for Revival of the Enlightened Ecosystem
Under the auspices of the Sarvajnapeeta, the all knowing Seat of Knowledge, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa NIthyananda is determined to revive the enlightened ecosystem and thereby empower today’s world with the practical applications of Sanatana Hindu Dharma and the science of enlightenment. In 2002, the young-age of 22, Swamiji decided to give up his life as a recluse in order to pursue this mission and established the Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam at Bidadi in Bangalore India. Since then he has touched millions of lives through the various projects initiated.
A lot more still needs to be accomplished and even more so, with the continued persecution and devious plans to shake the core-principles of Hinduism and thereby weaken and eventualy eliminate Hinduism in it entireity. While Hinduism cannot be eradicated, in this process, the Hindu community is getting weakened, shaken, and facing persecution that needs to be stopped, and reversed at the earliest for the benefit of mankind and our world at large.