Reviving Ayurveda, Siddha, Varma, Naturopathy and their branches

Vedic tradition is all about knowledge to realize your possibility, knowledge to experience extraordinary powers, knowledge to experience health, wealth, and knowledge to experience peaceful, harmonious community living. Unlimited knowledge for health and everything to prosper is the Vedic tradition.
~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

In Vedic times, the living sciences of extraordinary medical discoveries took human health and longevity to unimaginable levels. Vedic tradition is the spiritual root of all medical, biological and mental health and life sciences, which approached the human mind-body as a microcosm of the universal energy and not as a separate bio-chemistry. The vedic tradition prescribes three ways for extraordinary powers to express through you that lead you to enlightenment. They are: mani, technique or technology such as flying machines; mantra, sacred sounds and aushada, special herbs or chemicals that raise consciousness. The third is the Master’s initiation which can instantly give enlightenment or awaken extraordinary powers in you, but the human system is not prepared to hold that cosmic energy. It is like pouring water on an inverted pot. The sacred herbs when energized and given can simply open the human mind-body’s nervous pathways to receive the powerful transmission by the Master.

Ayurveda is the most ancient science of living and longevity. Siddha gives extraordinary cures for diseases along with mystic yogic powers and wisdom. It has produced the largest number of enlightened miracle-makers in the world. Naturopathy is naturopathic medicine. Varma is the holistic healing science of human nervous system, where vital points act as energy transformers or batteries.
Siddha and Ayurveda medicines are the mediums for extraordinary powers of the mind, body and being, besides holistically curing ailments. Mystic powers such as physically appearing and disappearing, materializing sacred herbs and using medicinal plants to cure any kind of disease were made into practical and usable medical sciences. From the space of advaita or oneness with plants and the elementary forces of nature, these divine physicians allowed nature to reveal its healing properties and powers. Widespread epidemics were healed just by the pranic powers (powers of life energy), where the vedic physicians would breathe in the infected air or spread rare herbs to heal the atmosphere and the living beings.

rāgādirogān satatānuṣktānaśeṣkāya-prasr̥tānaśeṣān |
autsuktaya-mohāratidāñjaghāna yo’pūrvavaidyāya namo’stu tasmai ||
Salutations be, to that primordial physician, who eliminates all diseases entirely, such as ‘raaga’ (desires for temporary) and other diseases which shadow life, which are integral part of living beings, and which are causes for autsukya (anxiety), moha (attachment), and arati (restlessness and adversity).
~ aṣtānga hridaya (ayurveda text), 1

One of the Biggest Achievements of the Revival of Vedic Medicines Project:
The Ananda Lingam at Vaidya Sarovar
In a rare cosmic happening, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, an adept Siddha (perfect being of all mystic powers), has gifted humanity with the living cosmic energy through the ‘Ananda Lingam’ the 21-foot Shiva Lingam that showers healing energy and enlightenment, and is the great elixir for all diseases of mind, body and soul. It is made from navapashanam, the secret herb combinations of 9 medicinal substances and 1008 herbs. In Siddha tradition, navapashanam is a rare medicine prepared in a special yogic process of potentiation with cosmic energy that only a living enlightened master holds. Rarely has humanity perfected this powerful healing science – which requires 3 concurrent happenings – the Sthapati (vedic architect), the Vaidya (master of spiritual herbs), and an Enlightened Being who can transmit cosmic life-energy (pranapratistha) into the deity form. 2000 years ago, it happened in Palani with the great Siddha Bogar. The Ananda Lingam is encircled by the healing water tank called ‘Vaidya Sarovar’ that holds the healing powers and is surrounded by thousands of Ayurvedic and Siddha herbs that fill the air element with healing energies, to instantly heal anyone in and around this space. Ayurvedic and Siddha medicines are distributed to people during the meditation programs.

Future Projects Undertaken For the Revival of Vedic Medicines Project:
Swamiji is actively reinstating the Vedic medicinal fields of Ayurveda, Siddha, Naturopathy, Varma and their branches, as scientifically postulated by the world’s greatest physicians and fathers of medicine such as Maharishi Sushruta, the great Vedic surgeon, Acarya Charaka and Maharishi Agastiyar, the father of Siddha Medicine .
Retrieve the lost Vedic medicinal formulae from palm leaf manuscripts, make the medicinal mixtures, test them in clinical drug trial laboratories and gift them to humanity .
Hospitals, colleges, research institutes
Build yogic and Vedic hospitals with inpatient treatment, medical colleges and research institutes in the traditional medicinal fields of: Ayurveda, Siddha, Naturopathy and Varma .
Create large healing energy fields of Ayurvedic and Siddha herbs .
Restore the Vedic life sciences
Jyotish, Vedic astrology, the perfect science of Vedic calendar and planetary.
Kamika Agama, the authoritative scripture by Lord Shiva that precisely details the knowledge, path, behavior and lifestyle to live an enlightened life – listing daily rituals to occasional acts and sciences of homes, temples and communities.
Vastu Sastra, the science of architecture and construction.